Ethereum London Hard Fork: the Catalyst to Drive Price Up?

Okay let’s be honest here. If I had to estimate how many people truly understand the 

beauty of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, I’d have to say that around 15% of the members within the digital asset space can comprehend a fraction of the revolution. In an analysis done by Sinclair Davidson, Jason Potts, and Primavera De Filippi, they highlight that blockchain technology in itself is a revolutionary technology in that “it undermines the strong case fo the economic efficiency of hierarchies (which exploits incomplete contracts) and relational contracting (which requires trust between parties) over markets. To the extent that blockchains can eliminate opportunism, they will be at a competitive advantage of traditional organizational hierarchies and relational contracts” (Davidson et al. 16). In fact, instead of looking at blockchain as a new form of general purpose technology, such as transistors, computers, internets, the authors argue that it...

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A Major Blow to Advertisement: Tik Toks Crackdown on Cryptocurrency

On June 10, 2021, popular social media outlet Tik Tok updated its Branded Content Policy. It now states, “All financial services and products are prohibited, including but not limited to … cryptocurrency.” As one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, this will be a major hit to many marketing policies as the app continuously increases in popularity. In addition, Tik Tok is especially popular with the younger demographic: users under the age of 35 take up the highest percentage of users on the app. This is important to know since the majority of cryptocurrency investors and those likely to invest fall into the 18-40 age range. 


The shutdown of advertisements about cryptocurrency comes after a surge in concern over misleading information being spread across the app causing naive investors to put their money into bad investments such as various cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency courses, financial advice, etc. It’s especially a big...

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EMAX: One Shot Wonder: A 477% Profit

Although it was only established in May of 2021, EMAX saw an exponential increase in value in less than a month's time. One of our research consultants, colloquially called our coach, made a buy for EMAX and profited 477%. Unfortunately, it has since plummeted in value and will not likely ever reach such hype again. The reason it was able to reach such a high-value price was because of a pump-and-dump scheme that saw multiple high-end celebrities promoting the cryptocurrency which inflated the value of the coin. With limited information provided about the coin, its development, and its creators, EMAX was and is a risky coin.


No information has been provided by the creator company as to its purpose. Any information available is listed on their website in very vague statements. In addition, the creator's history is shrouded in mystery with no information available about who created or manages the token. The explosion in value was only correlated to multiple high-end celebrities...

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Finding Success in the Struggle: Cryptoā€™s Presence in Declining Economies

Around the world, national economies are declining in value. As their legal tender inflates in value causing the purchasing value of the currency to decrease, many are now relying on cryptocurrency as a stable method of payment. As cryptocurrency becomes more relevant in modern society, it gains more prevalence in underdeveloped countries. It has gained such traction that these countries now have higher percentages of cryptocurrency users than that of more developed countries. Many users use it for person-to-person exchanges to circumvent legal restrictions their countries may have placed on cryptocurrency. 

Nigeria now has the highest cryptocurrency percentage of any country in the world with 32%. With a legal currency of very low value, many in Nigeria rely on the United States dollar for purchasing power; however, there is a rarity to USD in the region which has led to more cryptocurrency use. With the 7th largest total population in the world, the 54th lowest GDP per...

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ETF: The Future of Crypto Trading in the Stock Exchange

An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a type of security that tracks various forms of assets that can be purchased or sold on a stock exchange, similar to a regular stock. As cryptocurrency gains more prominence in modern society, more cryptocurrency ETFs are being approved by countries; however, very few countries have approved of a Bitcoin ETF. Sweden, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Germany, France, Netherlands, and Brazil are currently the only countries in the world that have passed Bitcoin ETFs to be traded on their exchanges. Other countries are interested in developing their platform to be able to trade many different types of cryptocurrencies while some are mainly focused on Bitcoin. 

A common problem between countries that want to trade cryptocurrency assets is the resistance from their respective security councils. The Phillipine Stock Exchange wants to become a platform for trading cryptocurrency assets but is waiting for approval from its Securities and Exchange...

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China's Romantic Relationship with Bitcoin Could Not Get Any Better

by Lewis Park


All research was acquired by Wolfie Zhao’s segment in TheBlock


We all know that Bitcoin will be around for a long time. At least, for those of us who truly believe in the technology that powers Bitcoin, we know that Bitcoin is fundamentally bullish and has been the first innovative piece of finance since the creation of the first documented ledger system in the form of double-entry bookkeeping created by the Jewish community in Roman civilization. Bitcoin’s characteristics of being censorship resistance, deflationary, limited in supply, decentralized, etc., are all factors that would enable it to be the native internet token that the world desperately needs to help even the playing field for the little guys. In fact, Bitcoin has always championed equality, and it is a no brainer for people to support its success throughout the known world. 


Then there’s China.


Recently, China has cracked down on Bitcoin mining, an...

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VISR-ETH: A 260% profit

One of our research consultants, colloquially called our coach, made a buy for VISR back in April 2021 and in 7 days, our coach made a profit of over 260%. Visor (VISR) allows for customizability to optimize the liquidity that you are providing to an exchange. By setting customizable ranges, it relocates your crypto around to different pools for you, so you don't have to keep looking for where best to deposit. You can thus earn the greatest amount of profit while minimizing fees. In addition, it utilizes NFT Smart Vaults on UniSwap V3 which allows for safe interaction with smart contracts and external DeFi protocols. Users who put in their assets create liquidity for the market and are then rewarded with a liquidity provision fee due to this creating a market for other traders. A simplified analogy to this process is a person putting their money into a decentralized high compound interest savings bank account. The bank keeps your money secure, but you gain more interest from...

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The First of Many: The First Country to Recognize Bitcoin as Legal Tender

By supermajority vote, 62 out of 84 possible votes in favor, El Salvador's government will recognize Bitcoin as a legal tender in the country alongside the current tender, the US dollar. Going into effect September 7, 2021, the government believes it will be beneficial to the country's economy. However, the government has received mixed feedback from the country's citizens as to whether or not this will help the country. Only 30% of citizens have access to traditional financial services which will make it difficult for many to use or access bitcoin tender. In addition, the country is heavily reliant on money sent back to the country by workers abroad with a fifth of the county’s GDP consisting of such. Many citizens of lower economic class still feel lingering trust issues from when they lost considerable purchasing power when the USD was adopted as the only legal tender in 2001. However, the government has taken that into consideration and is developing solutions to address...

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Unauthorized use: Binanceā€™s dwindling international market

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, having nearly 60% larger volume than their closest competition (based on 24h volume in June). However, this could soon change as more countries are announcing that Binance doesn’t have authorization to conduct regulated activity. Most recently, the United Kingdom released a statement banning the use of Binance for regulated activity in the country. In addition, Japan recently announced for the second time that Binance isn’t registered to conduct business, yet Binance is still operating in the country. Binance has also made Ontario, Canada a restricted jurisdiction to avoid dealing with possible legal repercussions that many other cryptocurrency exchanges faced for violating province security laws. Binance is also based in the Cayman Islands, but recently, the Cayman Islands financial regulator announced “Binance Group and Binance Holdings Limited are not registered, licensed, regulated or otherwise...

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Chinaā€™s Crypto Mining Rigs No More

China’s central bank views decentralized currency as a threat to the state’s economy and views it as an incentive to use it for illegal purposes. To combat the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, China has done two things. Various Chinese provinces, including the two top crypto mining provinces, have shut down the power allotted to crypto mining businesses, resulting in the suspension of activity and relocation of these businesses. In addition, China has started to develop its own E-currency based on its standard currency, the yuan, to ensure the e-currency used in the state still has a centralized backing. Furthermore, the government has forced multiple large state-owned banks to “block payment services for any client accounts thought to be involved in cryptocurrency transactions. They were also told to cease offering other services such as account opening, registration and trading for any cryptocurrency-related activities.”

The relocation of crypto...

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